Excited to announce The Little League Diamond Leader Program.
The Little League Diamond Leader program provides a FREE educational resource aimed at educating volunteer coaches on their role in ensuring children have a positive, well-rounded experience on and off the field.
This course navigates Little League volunteers through real-life scenarios that are being faced in local leagues all around the world each year, with an emphasis on understanding the impact that mental, social, and emotional well-being has in youth sports.
For all baseball and softball tournament play coaches, there is a requirement to complete the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program.
At this time, the training is not mandatory for Canadian coaches, However, Little League Canada is strongly encouraging the completion of this program.
The program consists of several one to two minute videos with an optional review test at the end. The total training can be completed in 30 minutes and a certificate is emailed to you upon completion.
All volunteers are encouraged to become a Diamond Leader today:
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