Little League Canada Announces Restructuring of Board of Directors.

OTTAWA- Little League Canada is pleased to announce the newly restructured Board of Directors. At the Annual General Meeting in October, updated bylaws were presented to all voting members of Little League Canada. One approved component of these bylaw changes was a reduction of the number of Divisional Directors from two to one sitting on the Board of Directors. Following the Annual General Meeting, Little League Canada President Roy Bergerman tasked all divisional directors to return to their respective divisions to select who will remain an active director moving forward. 

Roy Bergerman said “I applauded the understanding and organization of each division for quickly moving forward with this difficult task. This was not easy on anyone and we hope to find committees and advisory groups best suited for all who want to volunteer with Little League Canada moving forward. We are thrilled to congratulate and announce the newly reduced Board members:

Division 1- British Columbia: Corinne Chow (Vancouver, BC)

Division 2 – Alberta: Darlene McLaughlin (Calgary, AB)

Division 3 – Prairies: Ben Griswold (Moose Jaw, SK)

Division 4 – Ontario: Steve Bagnell (Smithville, ON)

Division 5 – Quebec: Jean-François Julien (Monteregie, QC)

Division 6 – Atlantic: Ken Bradley (Sydney Mines, NS)”